Thursday, June 3, 2021

2021 Annual Town Meeting - Night Eleven (Final Night)

 "These go to eleven."  - Nigel Tufnel

Welcome to Night Eleven of the 2021 Annual Town Meeting.  We are into territory I wasn't expecting.  I am worried that we still have more than we can get through tonight.  An even dozen meetings sounds good, but it is just too much.

I am trying a new  tactic tonight.  Last time, I realized that I was being very gender binary in my identification of TMM's.  After several converstaions, I decided to proceed with using "TMM" to identify those who are town meeting members.  That matched my practice of identifying members of the town staff mostly by their titles.  Let's see how it goes.

We started off with the usual attendance vote, followed by the Star Spangled banner, this week by TMM Helmuth.  The Moderator noted that there are only 10-11 articles left, so with some "expeditious debate", we ought to be able to finish up tonight.  Mr. DeCourcey moved that if we don't finish tonight, when we adjourn, we will continue to Monday.  We have 218 members present right now.  TMM Stamps wanted to give a report.  TMM Foskett took Article 3 off the table to allow the receipt of reports.  TMM Stamps presented the report of the Tree Committee.  She spoke very highly of our Tree Warden, Tim Lecuivre.  He has worked to reduce street tree death due to underground gas leaks.  TMM Stamps encouraged everyone to visit the Tree Committee Website for more information.  Between the Tree Department and the Tree Committee Community Canopy program, 270 trees have been planted around town so far this year.  Arlington is a leader in tree protection and management.

TMM Maher is the Chair of the Symmes Memorial Fund.  They provide grants to governmental and non-profit groups working in the medical and health fields.  They typically give ~$40K per year.  The deadline for filing this year is July 8.  There will be contact information in The Arlington Advocate.  If you are interested in serving on this committee, please send a resume to the Town Manager.  Article 3 was put back upon the table.  TMM Foskett moved to take Article 22 off the table.

Article 22 seeks to provide email addresses to town meeting members.  This had been tabled earlier in the meeting to allow the proponent time to work with TMM Diggins to come up with a substitute motion.  TMM Henkin,the proponent of the article worked with TMM Diggins to come up with a proposal to have the town provide email aliases for members.  This would protect the member's email address while still allowing residents to contact the member.  The email is not stored by the town, and the email is not entered into the public record.  They are still looking for a company to provide the service.  TMM Henkin thanked TMM Diggins, Town Counsel, and the IT Department for their assistance.  TMM Diggins had no additional comment.  TMM LaCourt had several questions.  She wanted to know how much time would be required to set up an alias.  She also wanted to know how much effort would be required by IT to support this measure.  TMM Diggins didn't expect it would take a considerable amount of time.  The Town Manager noted that the town hasn't provided aliases in the past, but his understanding was that it would not be a difficult undertaking.  There wouldn't be a need for a dedicated help desk.  TMM LaCourt is opposed to this article.  Many meeting members use Gmail, so they can easily setup a separate address for town meeting.  Many members have their own mail server.  The need will be low.  TMM Jamieson asked why we are not doing this already, as this has been before town meeting before.   The Manager noted this is a 10 voter article, so the town isn't actively pursuing the topic.  The Select Board is recommending No Action.  TMM Jamieson wanted to know if providing these addresses would change the relationship between members and the town.  Would conflict of interest apply.  Town Council said no.  TMM Vakil is in favor.  Email addresses are personae, and having a separate email address is important.  However password maintenance is an issue.  The Manager joked about his password being "1234".  TMM Jalkut is in favor, and the official-ness of the format lends credence to the address.  He believes this could be easily managed.  Passwords shouldn't be an issue, as there is nothing to access.  He spoke about the addresses being guessable.  He also spoke about screening for offensive emails.  He speculated about pricing structure.  It might be more trouble than it is worth.

TMM Murray moved to terminate debate.  We need to move on, so I voted to end debate.  The motion passed 190-33.  This is an interesting idea, one I have been in favor of for some time.  I would be more in favor if this applied to all members.  As it stands, it would only apply is someone who requested it, so we would still have a Hodge-podge of addresses.  That being the case, I am not in favor.  The motion failed 107-114.  This brought forward the recommended vote of No Action.  This passed 177-48.

Next up is Article 62, appropriation for committees and commissions.  It was taken off the consent agenda by TMM Friedman on the first night.  She passed.  TMM Foskett moved article 62, and in the absence of any other debate, we move on to the vote.  This is a simple appropriation to keep our committees and commissions running, and I am in favor.  It passed 227-1.

Next is Article 67, appropriation from the Community Preservation Act (CPA) fund.  TMM Rowe asked for the video presentation to be played.  In the video, she noted that she is the acting chair, and the board is seeking three new members.  TMM Helmuth noted the report is available online.  He introduced 10 projects under consideration under the article.  CPA funds must relate to affordable housing, open space, and historic preservation.  TMM Rowe noted the board was available to take questions.  TMM Melofchik had questions on two of the projects.  She wanted to know how many visitors are received now and how many are expected should the HVAC system be installed at the Jason Russell House.  She also was concerned about the high cost of a geothermal system.  George Parsons from the Historic Society noted that the town used to receive 600 visitors a year.  However, the house is unable to be open at Thanksgiving and Christmas without heat , so the expectation is that there would be many more visitors if they were open year-round.  The proposed contractor had the historic society look at another historic building in Concord which installed a similar system.  TMM Melofchik also wanted more information about the Foot of the Rocks study.  She is concerned that the funds will be used to study traffic issues which are outside the scope of CPA.  TMM Rowe confirmed that was not the case.  TMM Tosti noted that his application noted adjacent intersections, but those are being funded separately.  He believes the Foot of the Rocks is an important place at the start of the Bloody Mile, and it should be improved.  TMM Bloom wanted to know about the public land management plan.  TMM Rowe confirmed the results would be worked into the Open Space Plan.  Regarding the Foot of the Rocks, she was concerned that the area is so small, and tour buses are quite large.  TMM Rowe noted this is a way to come up with some ideas.  If they don't pan out, they don't move on to the next step.  Mass Ave, as a part of the National Scenic Byway system, has been named an All-American Road.  With the 250th anniversary of the battle coming up, there could be greatly increased tourism.  TMM Bloom works for the Lexington Historic Society, and she noted the buses in Lexington don't stop long enough for any economic activity.  She also believed the HVAC for the Jason Russell house is an interesting idea.  TMM Yontar called the question.

We have debated this well, and the same projects have been spoken to several times.  I am voting to close debate.  The motion passed 202-25.  This brings up the vote to approve the CPA appropriation. I support the good works of this committee, and I support their recommendations.  The vote passed 223-3.

Article 69 is a vote to approve an appropriation to pay a stipend to School Committee Members.  TMM DeCoursey noted that there was a correction needed to the Select Board's recommended vote.  The stipends would not go into effect until 2023.  The meeting is voting to approve the granting of a stipend this year, and the Finance Committee will fund the stipends starting the following year.  TMM C. Kelleher noted that several other elected boards grant stipends, and the School Committee should be no different.  She believe it will make it easier for some residents to consider serving on the board.  TMM Ciano introduced TMM Leonard.  He noted there are 14 boards with stipends.  He noted that there are not 14 votes every year to approve stipends.  He looked at article 55 that appropriates the stipends for the boards.  He wanted to know why the school committee is the only one asking for their stipend.  He believes we should should vote this down, since this should be under the budget.  (I believe he completely missed the point of Mr. DeCoursey's correction, which pointed out this article is to allow a stipend to be paid, and the stipend would be funded by a vote next year.)  He encourages a no vote.  The Manager noted that this article is to allow School Committee members to be compensated.  He further noted that stipends are used sparingly.  Sometimes, the term "stipend" is used for specific grants under collective bargaining.  It is also sometimes used to compensate someone when their job responsibilities change.  We are now taking our break.  The Moderator reminded us to focus our debate so we can finish tonight.


Back from break, and next up is TMM Muldoon.  She wanted to know why the stipend is only for the local school committee and not the representative to the Minuteman School District.  Since the proponent mentioned equity was an important aspect of this proposal, it is a concern.  TMM Schlichtman had a point of order and noted that Minuteman would be the entity to provide the stipend for their committee.  TMM Jamieson echoed TMM C Kelleher's comments regarding equity.  He noted the Board of Assessors makes more than the school committee would receive.  In future, the proposed stipend would be in the budget.  He encouraged looking at all the stipends and determining if they are appropriate.  Mr. Pooler noted that the law changed recently to disallow members of boards to receive health benefits.  TMM Ciano has a point of order that the Select Board does not receive a stipend; they receive a wage.  He wants to know if members of the School Committee on Town Meeting can vote on this article.  The Manager noted that they should abstain, but that is not required.  TMM Heigham (a former school committee member) moved the question.  We've discussed this long enough, and it is time to move on.  The vote passed 194-27.  This brings up the main motion.  I don't object to this request.  If it allows more diversity on the School Committee, I think that would be a great thing.  I am curious whether the ZBA has put in more hours than the School Committee this spring.  (Personally, it feels like it.)  As an appointed board, the ZBA would not be illegible for a stipend.  The vote passed 193-22.  TMM Ciano has a point of privilege that the Select Board does not receive a stipend.  The Moderator shut it down.

Article 70  TMM Yontar raised a point of order regarding the late submission of a substitute motion.  The Moderator noted that he did consider that, but due to the possibility of ending tonight, and since the topic of the motion was consequential, he decided to allow the motion to proceed.  TMM Yontar asked for a vote to override the decision of the Moderator.  The Moderator said that wasn't possible, but TMM Yontar brought out the chapter and verse in Town Meeting Time that allows a vote of the meeting to override the decision of the Moderator.  The Moderator noted we could go that route, or we could just get on with it.  The appeal was withdrawn.  TMM Brazile introduced the article, and asked for her video presentation to be played.  She has been the Clerk for nearly a year, and she has been considering ways to improve the performance of the office.  She is proposing a committee to research the possibility of making the currently elected position an appointed position.  Voting changes and oversight are critical tasks.  She recommends revisiting the distribution of roles in town to determine if they still make the most sense.  She recommends a small committee to report to the Select Board.  She opposes the substitute motion, and believes the committee should report to the Select Board, since that board will need to make the proposal before town meeting.  TMM Preston presented her substitute motion to address a perceived conflict of interest, since the Town Clerk would be on the review committee.  The motion would make the committee a town meeting committee with the Clerk serving as an advisor only.  The Manager should not select members, since he would would select the new Clerk, should it be changed to an appointed position.  TMM Preston feels the process would be more open under the control of Town Meeting.  TMM Dray opposes the motion, and she believes the elected clerk is an important check.  Since the Clerk is in charge of elections, it is important that the position remains independent.  She approves of reviewing the function of the office, but believes that is something that should be happening anyway.  TMM Dray is not opposed to any of the people involved; she just wants the position answerable to the people and to remain elected.  TMM Auster is not at all convinced the position should change.  However, a study is only a study, and he supports it.  Voting this down is just jumping the gun.  TMM Weber (former Acting Clerk) opposes this being an appointed position, since those tend to go to "the friend of a friend of a friend."  Just because someone got sick is no reason for the position to be appointed.  It could be a disaster.  

TMM Durocher wanted to know what the $10,000 would be used for.  It is more than many boards have.  The Clerk noted they would be considering a consultant to assist in the review and provide an outside perspective.  TMM Durocher noted that consultants often seek to please their employer, and she wanted to know how to not get a biased opinion.  The Clerk noted that keeping it an elected position might be in her personal interest.  However, many towns are considering this, and she believes it is important to take a look.  Every town is different.  We should look at this carefully.  TMM Durocher is in favor of the objectives and does not want the appointment of a consultant.  TMM J. Worden noted he is in favor of democracy.  The Clerk is one position that most people will interact with.  Every Clerk has brought something different to the position, and they have all been excellent.  He thought the Clerk's office did a great job during the most recent elections.  He believes the committee studying changing the position will likely recommend changing the position.  It is important that the Clerk be someone from the town, so they are accepted.  He recommends the substitute motion, but voting it down either way.  TMM LaCourt does not believe the Clerk has a determined position, and she asked the Clerk whether she had already made up her mind.  The Clerk indicated that she had not.  TMM LaCourt noted that we followed a similar process before voting to change the Treasurer to an appointed position.  She is for the main motion and against the substitute motion.  She also noted that a full-time non-policy position ought to be an appointed position.

TMM Good had a question asking whether the current organization structure interferes with the efficiency of the office.  The Clerk noted that she is looking not a efficiencies, but rather at policy and practice.  She believes the town offices could be better coordinated.  TMM Dominguez has a lot of concerns about this.  She had lived in an undemocratic country, and she does not want to assist in consolidating policy.  Increasing doubt is the last thing we need.  Democracy is transparent, and electing this position is important.  We can elect the best person for the job and replace them if we need someone else to do better.  TMM Blandy moved the question.  This is plenty of debate, and I agree it is time to move on.  The vote to terminate debate passed 185-37.  This brings up the vote on TMM Preston's substitute motion.  While I appreciate the reasons for bring forward this motion, I don't think it will necessarily lead to a better outcome.  I am voting against the substitute motion.  The motion failed 72-149.  This brings up the main article.  Knowing what I know now, I would vote to keep the Clerk's position an elected position.  However, I don't know the nuances, and a study committee will be able to research that and report back, and help make a more informed decision.  I voted in favor of the article.  The final vote was 133-93 in favor of the study committee and the appropriation.

TMM Foskett moved to lay Article 75 on the table while we discuss and vote on Article 77.  This will allow the meeting to use 75 to balance any changes from 77.  TMM Foskett discussed the meaning of free cash, and how it is an indicator of good fiscal management.  Our practice is to only appropriate half of the certified free cash to offset the tax burden to provide a buffer against any unforeseen expenses.  We go straight to the vote, as there is not further discussion.  This is a simple yes, and the motion passed 218-0.  (Back down to the number of members we had at 8:05.)  TMM Foskett moved to take Article 75 off the table.

Article 75 is an appropriation from the Fiscal Stability Stabilization Fund.  This is to offset the increasing deficit as increases in costs outstrip the limits of Prop. 2 1/2 to raise taxes.  TMM Foskett is very concerned about the future, and on behalf of the Finance Committee, he strongly encourages voting for this article to keep the balance budget.  Mr. Yontar rose to ask a question and asked, since it is almost 11:00pm, whether it would be better to ask his question on Monday.  The Moderator noted TMM Yontar was the only speaker, so he should go ahead and ask his question.  He wanted to know if long term, as this fund is being depleted, are there any actions Town Meeting can take to head this off.  TMM Foskett noted that we will be receiving Federal funds in the short term, but it will not last.  He encouraged the members to help inform the residents about the coming fiscal issues.  He encourages getting involved.  The town needs to reduce the staff levels, since that is the greatest cost.  We need to stop hiring and allow attrition of positions.  We need to increase funding from other sources.  (That felt like a very rehearsed response.)  TMM Friedman had a very quiet question about excess funds and free cash.  TMM Foskett explained that there are a variety of ways funds come to town, but generally they need to be approved by Town Meeting.  Excess funds (as discussed under Article 77) go back into the general funds.  TMM Memon has a point of order that it is not fair to spring an extension on the meeting at the last minute.  Some people need to work in the morning.  TMM Levy has a point of order, which he has withdrawn.

The Moderator held a straw poll to see if Town Meeting would want to remain in session an additional 30 minutes to try and finish tonight.   It passed by more than 2/3.  We will continue.  But now, there are more speakers on the list.

TMM K Kelleher wanted to know if the Town has plans for the federal funds to assist vulnerable residents before putting it in the general funds.  TMM Foskett noted that the funds are not in this budget.  The federal funding is in four categories related pandemic impact, business losses, infrastructure, and the other one.  The funds will be applied to the most needy in the community.  The Moderator asked people to stay on the topic of the stabilization fund.  TMM Deshler moved to terminate debate.  Yes ... Please ...  The vote passed 182-15.  This brought up the main motion, which easily passed 202-2.

Article 78 is a resolution declaring the tree canopy a public health resource.  The recommended vote of the Select Board is for No Action.  TMM Melofchik had a substitute motion to ask the town to dedicate itself to preserving and improving the tree canopy, which is essential to mitigate a variety of climate impacts.  It stated that preservation of the existing canopy and adding new trees are both essential goals.  As a resolution, there can only be one speaker in favor and one in opposition.  Since TMM Melofchik spoke in favor, the Moderator searched for someone in opposition.  TMM Deyst was also in favor.  TMM Tosti passed.  TMM Jamieson had a point of order noting that the wrong article was displayed on the screen.  TMM Heigham passed.  TMM Stamps rose to speak against.  As a member of the Tree Committee.  The proponent asked the committee for support, but the committee refused.  The town is doing a tremendous (tree-mendous) amount of work already doing doing what this resolution is requesting.  She feels the resolution implies the town is not working in favor of trees.  That closed debate, and brought up the vote on the substitute motion.  If the Tree Committee and the Select Board both oppose the resolution, I will follow their recommendation.  The motion failed 67-120.  The vote of No Action on the main motion passed 157-35.

Article 81 is a resolution regarding the Broadway Corridor Design Competition.  TMM Thornton introduced her video presentation.  This would arrange for a design competition to follow on work done by MIT students to explore what the Broadway Corridor could be like in the future, focusing on density, access to transit, environmental quality, and other aspects that would improve the quality of life.  TMM Dray withdrew her point of order.  TMM Ruderman rose against the resolution.  The original study was a class project.  It wasn't a professional study.  It is his experience that if there are no prizes, there are no incentives to bring forward experienced designs.  We have a staff that has the experience and capabilities.  TMM Jamieson had a point of order to remind the meeting it is a resolution.  He tried to get his experience in, but the Moderator shot it down.  I think I took that same class in Course 11 when I was at MIT, so I am in favor.  The vote passed 137-48.

Article 90 is a resolution to encourage the installation of electric car charging stations around town.  TMM Dominguez noted that the sale of electric vehicles is increasing 30% each year.  The town needs to get going in providing electric charging stations around town.  Some residents cannot charge at home if they don't have the space.  It is an economic issue, because people only go to places with chargers, so it will attract business.  We should be prepared.  TMM Weber rose in opposition to the resolution.  Not everyone can afford an electric vehicle.  The town shouldn't be paying for their power, when she has to buy her own gas.  The batteries are not environmentally good.  I believe she is mistaken.  This resolution is not asking everyone to pay for charging some people's cars; it is asking the town to promote the proliferation of charging locations.  This is a net good, and I am in favor.  The vote passed 163-17.

Article 91 is a resolution seeking to declare a climate emergency in the town of Arlington.  Mr. Wilde, a resident of town was introduced by TMM DeCourcey.  Mr. Wilde asked TMM Watson to introduce the article.  He reintroduced Mr. Wilde and the video presentation.  (This was a really strange video with odd pacing.  It also felt really long.)  The climate crisis is the most important issue of our time.  Many cities and towns around the state have already made such declarations.  TMM Jamieson spoke in opposition.  Notwithstanding the resolution, isn't the town already doing this?  He is only against it as it is only reiterating what we are already doing.  The vote passed 172-13.

That was the second to last article.  Article 3 was taken back off the table.  TMM Foskett moved to dissolve the meeting.  The Moderator pulled out a foam Mjolnir and declared the meeting dissolved.


I want to give a big shout-out to all the town staff involved in running Town Meeting.   They stayed an extra hour tonight so we could all be done.  All their efforts are appreciated.  I also appreciate the town meeting members who stayed to the end.  In better times, we would spend this time shaking hands and saying our goodbyes.  Tonight, the Zoom ended, and we were done.

I was a little surprised that we finished, but it did take an extra hour to do it.  This meeting felt more evenhanded than the fall special meeting.  Maybe we are just more practiced.  I agree with the Moderator in that I hope we don't need to use the voting portal again.  I am so looking forward to being back in Town Hall.

Happy summer to all!